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Our TOBP final dissemination event will take place on 15th July from 10.00 am to 17.00 pm to launch the Transcultural Open Badges ressources Platform for Migrant’s Transition Mentoring in Early Life Family Care.
After almost three years hard work, the consortium is pleased to invite you to this hybrid launching event and to present you the project’s results.
The program aims to present, test and review developed IT-solutions for education and recognition purposes. This event will allow participants to try the newly designed learning pathways and to collect open-badges for better recognition of their newly acquired transition mentoring skills.
Preliminary program:
We invite each guest who is willing to join the event and to get their first open badges as microcredentials for transition mentoring to join us at the Brussels event or through the online Zoom meeting.
Besides the basic badge you can earn, here is an overview of the badges that you can collect on our new platform:
Administrative Management Badge: Assisting migrant families with the administrative and bureaucratic stepsInterface Management Badge: Supporting migrant families in accessing social and health careRelationship Management Badge: Helping migrants to prosper as a family in new social contextParticipation Management Badge: Co-creative promotion of migrant civic participationBoundary Management Badge: Mastering transcultural competences
With your first badges in hand, you can then continue the challenge and try to earn your expert Transition mentor badge!
Thank you for your attention, and please remember, you can already anytime download on our Website:
For more information :
When ?
15th July 2021, from 10.00 AM to 17.00 PM
Where ?@ Virtually in Zoom@ 75 rue Botanique – 1210 Bruxelles (Médecins du Monde Belgique Offices), Belgium
Registration here*
Contact us to know about any reimbursement available regarding your travel or accommodation expenses.
Testing the learning platform will need an online access. Wireless connection will be provided in the room, please, bring your own laptop and headphones.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Contact information:
Christoph Kusche, ENSIS 2 888 99 20
*To register you can also simply copy and paste this link into your browser: