
TOBP at EPIC worldwide conference (26.10.2020)

October 2020 was an important month for the TOBP project! The Austrian coordination, along with the German and Finnish partners organised the presence of our project at EPIC, the online international conference on Open recognition and Open badges organised by the Open Recognition Alliance (ORA).

On 26th October 2020, after an intensive morning, mainly in French, ENSIS could share with the Open recognition community the main information about the project, its funding programme, the composition of the consortium as well as its aims and expected results.

After a brief summary of the main milestones and important dates regarding the transnational meetings and the multiplier events, CUAS then casted light on the co-creative process behind the first results, and the 4+1 transition phases in the management of transitions. We could also zoom on the latest developments regarding the learning scenarios and the current roadmap for the Transcultural Open Badges Platform.

JAMK, in turn, brought technical complementary information about the badges technology and the challenges encountered during the TOBP team work and the solutions envisaged.

During three full days and without interruption, the EPIC conference, gathering the world’s major stakeholders working with Open Recognition, took place online 24.00 hours a day to debate on the future of Open Recognition.

This event was for TOBP a real opportunity to be more visible, in order to enlarge the network around its future Open badges platform.