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We were privileged to organize the first TOBP Multiplier Event at the beginning of February 2020.
The event located in the middle of Finland, in Jyväskylä, and the venue was a relaxed and beautiful restaurant called Harmooni.
Event participants created a multiprofessional and multicultural group. All together, we had 39 people from different fields and life situations: family members, day care personnel, child protection services, Gloria (local international meeting place), workers from family services, international students, occupational therapists, lecturers, researchers etc.
Morning session included introductions of the TOBP-project, already done competence profile and the idea of using badges in TOBP. We also had a small lecture about the importance of supporting mental wellbeing of migrant families with small children.
After lunch, we started our co-production. The idea was to work with one part of the project´s competence profile and to test already made versions of eLearning scenarios for project´s open access inventory. We worked in small groups and by the end of the day, all the groups presented their posters and ideas. The day was very fruitful, including good discussions and reflection. Amount of ideas and suggestions amazed us – it is good to continue our work after this.